Intensive farming

  • Created by: Morris
  • Created on: 09-05-13 17:16

Intensive farming


  • Fertilisers Increases the yeild of the crop
  • pesticides prevent pests from eating or competing with crops
  • Disease control prevents the loss of animals or crops to disease
  • Battery methods mean more animals in less space. Animals use less energy so need less food. costs are reduced


  • Fertilisers can pollute rivers and streams
  • pesticides can destroy non pest organisms. chemicals can stay in crops and be eaten by Humans
  • Medicines given to animals may remain in the crops/meat and be eaten by humans
  • Battery methods give poor quality of life


The point of intensive farming is to make as much food as possible at the lowest price possible. it often doesn't take into account the living standards of animals. Instead they are kept in small spaces, kept warm, fed certain amounts of food and the right type of it. This all ensures that as much energy as possible is used for growth.


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