Intensive Farming



Intensive Farming


  • Economy - Make for a larger profit for the company as you working on a large scare and therefore produce a large amount
  • Food is cheaper so more popular especially for those who have low income


  • Reduces biodiversity as you have just one type of specie
  • Soil erosion - as you wear away the soil from regularly working on it
  • More land is used which destroys the animals habitat and can lead to animal extinction
  • More carbon is emitted as more fossil fuels are used from large machinery
  • Uses synthetic fertilisers which are made from crude oil = crude oil is non renewable which will eventually run out so its not sustainable


Economically, intensive farming is at great advantage because it produces food on a large scale bringing a larger profit to companies. Also, as it produces a larger yield the food is sold cheaper than organic food making it more appealing to customer. However, it is clear the disadvantages outweigh the  advantages as the main issue is about sustainability. Intensive farming clearly is not sustainable, as non-renewable feedstock is used  and it emits more carbon dioxide which leads to an increase in green house, leading to global warming. As well as this, it also damages the environment and threatens species as it reduces bio-diversity and potentially leads to animal extinction, as animals are forced to migrate because of an increase in land use. 


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