Human Behaviour - Behavioural Approach


Human Behaviour - Behavioural Approach


  • It is easy to put into practice
  • It is simple to understand
  • The results are usually quick
  • It uses small steps to shape the behaviour
  • It doesn't require a specialist to implement it - anyone can use the approach
  • It is based on the principle that reinforced (rewarded) behaviour will be repeated
  • The results can be measured and demonstrate progress
  • It is suitable for any age and ability


  • Not always easy to get people to change their mind
  • The client may rebel against being told what to do
  • Older people may resent being 'treated like a child'
  • It doesn't consider the client's thoughts or feelings
  • It may be seen as dogmatic and a punishment
  • Punishment is often used more frequently than rewards
  • Could be seen as de-humanising - reducing our behaviour to responses to a stimuli
  • Suggests that we are only pleasure-seeking animals


The behavioural approach is most commonly used with children or in situations where the Authority figure 'wants' to control the behaviour of a client eg in a prison or residential home.
It uses positive and negative reinforcement to shape a person's behaviour.
Negative reinforcement is often confused with punishment.
Token economy, star charts, time out, the 'naughty step' are all aspects of this approach.
It requires the ABC approach - Antecedent - what happens immediately before the Behaviour, and then what are the Consequences that reinforce the behaviour.
The behavioural approach suggests human rights issues and the respect of freewill.
Remember to refer to the case study when you identify the advantages and disadvantages of using this approach.
It is suitable for the behaviour? Can the modification be broken down into small steps? Is there a reward system in place? Does the client understand what is required to achieve the reward? Is the reward appropriate for the client and the situation? Can the approach be used in all the client's environments? 


Sam Morran


An excellent evaluation makes this a valuable resource for use in remembering this approach.

Ebony Roob


The behavioural approach is one of the newer methods of influence, and many companies are using it to communicate with their consumers. The general idea is that you're going to use what you know about your customers to influence them. I have to I have to learn the facts here now about the top Netflix films about racial issues.



Types of human conduct consist of ethical as opposed to molecular, overt as opposed to covert, voluntary as opposed to involuntary, and aware as opposed to unconscious. Examples of human conduct consist of conflict, communication, cooperation, creativity, play, social interaction, tradition, and work, Visit usthingiverseWalkscorebandus.



Behaviorism is primarily concerned with observable and measurable aspects of human behavior slope unblocked. So, when learned behaviors become unacceptable, they can be unlearned.


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