How Hitler became Chancellor


How Hitler became Chancellor


  • He was a great speaker and strong leader
  • The Wall Street Crash
  • Hitler had impressive propaganda from Goebells
  • Hitler promised something to everyone
  • Political maneuverings


  • The German people were in need of a strong leader after the stability of the Weimar Republic so liked Hitler
  • In times of crisis people look to extremism to get them out of bad situations so followed the nazis as they were saying what they wanted to hear
  • Nazi propaganda persuaded the Germans that Jews were to blame afor everything and Hitler was their only hope at recovery. It was also easy to have somebody to blame
  • He used negative cohesion to bring people together based on what the didn't like (communists and jews)
  • Finally after Hitler had gained support from Germans he was offered vice Chancellor to von papen but refused so kept walking out of the Reichstag but came to an agreement and became Chancellor in 1933

Overall summary

Hitler came into power for many reasons but many argue that if it wasn't or the political maneuverings he would not have succeeded in becoming chancellor. but his policies and the economic crisis allowed him to reach a larger audience than if the Golden Years were still happenening


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