How effective have anti-discrimination policies/legislation been?

  • Created by: Charis_
  • Created on: 03-05-16 10:21

How effective have anti-discrimination policies/legislation been?


  • Prosecution if an employer or public authority breaches current legislation.
  • Because legislation has been around for somewhat 30 years, case studies can be used as examples.
  • There's good amounts of guidance that can give examples of how legislation should be applied.
  • Successful prosecution can send a clear message to institutions and employers that discrimination will not be tolerated.
  • Overtime it can change attitudes and impact cultural and societal norms.


  • Cases can be complex
  • Discrimination can sometimes be up to interpretation
  • Discrimination can sometimes occur without the person realising it
  • Challenging discrimination can be daunting. Individuals may be worried about working relationships and costs.
  • Employers may be careful to hide discrimination. For example, making redundancy's to "cut costs" this masks potential discrimination.
  • Peoples prejudice's can be difficult to tackle.


TIP:Within some exam responses, students suggests that discrimination is inevitable or is a natural human occurrence however, the idea that discrimination and prejudice is a natural psychological process does not mean that it should not be challenged.Although discrimination does still exist, the presence of anti-discrimination legislation means that overtime attitudes towards groups will change, positively.


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