History timeline on Britain

  • Created by: lsoavi
  • Created on: 15-04-17 01:17




-1952. Britain's first atomic bomb was tested and the Mau Mau Rebellion against British rule in Kenya 

1950's Britain's economy was booming, alongside a growth in youth culture 

1953 Steel and transport denationalisation 

1954 Withdrawal from Egypt and the end of food rationing


1957 H bomb tested and Independence granted to Ghana

1960 Time of satire boom. 

 The Blue streak missile was abandoned in favour of the American Polaris.

Macmillian's winds of change speech.

The expansion of mass media, linked in with social and cultural change. The impact of scientific improvements

1961 Britain's application to join the EEC was sent off and the Cold War intensified

1962 Macmillian's cabinet shuffle, aka, The 'night of the long knives'

1963 Rejection from the EEC as De Gaulle vetoed it

1964 Harold Wilson becomes pm and the Start of the Rhodesia crisis 

1965 Death penalty abolished 

1966 'wild cat' strikes

1967 Devaluation of the pound by Wilson

1967 Liberalisation of laws on abortion

1969 The Open University was established 

1971 Reform on divorce laws 

1972. 'Bloody sunday'


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