Hard Engineering

  • Created by: Qiao-Chu
  • Created on: 06-04-13 22:55

Hard Engineering


  • Immediate results
  • Exert a bigger degree of control
  • Usually part of multi-purpose project
  • Reduce risk of or severity of floods
  • Protect farmland
  • Can be used for power generation and navigation


  • Expensive
  • Create worse or unforeseen problems
  • Build up of silt carried by river
  • Water polluted from shipping and city waste
  • Toxic substances from factories, mines and waste tips submerged by reservoir
  • Displacement of people


Involves using technology to control rivers. Dams prevent the natural flow of a river. A concrete barrier is built across a valley and water fills in the reservoir area behind it. Water released or held depending on current or expected rainfall. 
Straightening meanders is a smaller scale way of managing rivers. Semicircular ways are longer and slower than straight one so water in a meander takes longer to clear area. By straightening them artificially the river follows a shorter and straighter route.


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