Global Warming

  • Created by: Natalie
  • Created on: 28-04-13 22:16

Global Warming


  • Natural : Solar Output. Changes in the output of heat from the Sun, affecting the amount of energy we receive
  • Natural: Orbital Geometry. Changes in how we orbit the Sun. The further we are away, the colder it is and the closer we are, the warmer it is.
  • Natural: Surface Reflection: Certain surfaces reflecting more heat than others. Snow and ice reflects heat, so it gets colder.
  • Human: Technological age. Using more cars, more electricity, more industrialised.
  • Human: Population Rise. More people means more food. Greatest growth in China and India, where rice is the staple diet. Produces lots of methane through paddy fields. In the bowels of cows for meat.


  • Rising Sea Levels. More chance of flooding in lowland areas, for example the Maldives.
  • Temperature Rise: Polar ice caps melting. Threatening habitats of polar bears and leading to rising sea levels.
  • Extreme Weather. More extreme weather, for example hurricanes as they form over warm water, so with a higher average temperature this is more likely to occur.
  • Changes in weather patterns. Affecting crop yields and therefore disrupting food supplies.

Overall summary

International agreements to help, e.g. Kyoto Protocol. Required industrialised countries to reduce carbon emissions by an average of 5.2%. Involved emissions trading with developing countries. America signed but did not ratify as George Bush thought it was unfair that countries like China and India, who were rapidly increasing their C02 emissions, were not affected. He also thought it would damage the economy.
Serious global implications in the future.


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