Global Groupings

  • Created by: ll23476
  • Created on: 18-04-16 16:00

Global Groupings


  • Increased economic development due to increased trade
  • Increased quality of life - rural to urban, services, infrastructure
  • Move and work freely between member countries
  • Reduced risk of conflict and better international relations between nations


  • Member states may loose decision / power on how they run their country
  • Individual countries may loose out when they have to share resources e.g. fishing grounds
  • Reduced trade for non-members - LEDCs could lose trade
  • Richer states may have to financially support poorer members e.g. 2011 UK sent £4 billion to bail out Portugal


Nations group together because it benefits all their economies, helps promote development, increases security and promotes peace.




This was really helpful! (check spelling of lose)