George--Of Mice and Men

George's character analysis




  • Short-tempered
  • Loving friend
  • Quick-witted
  • Level-headed and responsible
  • George has to be 'responsible' for Lennie and he acts like a parent by telling Lennie what to do and how to behave. He tells Lennie to hand him the mouse and not to do it again.
  • He is wise, for example, he tells Lennie not to drink from the pool, in case it is stagnant because there is no source--he is worried for Lennie's life.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • In a conversation between George and Slim, we learn that once he told Lennie to jump into a lake, but he almost drowned. He learnt in that moment that it is wrong to take advantage of the weak. Although, he knows that he lives in a world that people take advantage of the weak for the better of the strong.
  • At the beginning of the novel, George is somewhat an idealist. He believes in their dream of owning a farm and he thinks that maybe one day it would be possible. But, when Lennie kills Curley's wife he realises that it will never happen, and he'll spend his money in a "cathouse".


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