GCSE Geography - Tourism in Cuba

Cuba is a carribean island in South America which attracts a huge number of tourists, these tourists bring in a number of advantages and disadvantages.

  • Created by: Rhys B-M
  • Created on: 01-04-13 12:33

GCSE Geography - Tourism in Cuba


  • Supplies jobs to locals in the area.
  • Tourist workers are very well paid.
  • Tourism is the main source of income to Cuba.
  • Money spent in the state owned shops goes directly to state, improving infrastructure, hospitals and educational facilities.


  • Qualified proffesionals such as doctors are turning to the tourism sector for better pay.
  • This takes their skills away from Cuba's local population.
  • Doctors/dentists are in short supply.


In Cuba, tourism is a huge sector of industry, however their is some negative side effects, health professionals are finding that being taxi drivers earns them better pay, this is a scare to Cuba as it means doctors might be in short supply and less people would choose to take on these lifesaving proffesions.


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