Functionalist and Marxists


Functionalist and Marxists


  • Davis and Moore's role allocation - neo-Marxists, it does shift and sort (Willis?)
  • Durkheim and hidden curriculum and mini society - Bowles and Gintis, correspondence principle where school is like work
  • Parson's bridge theory - Althusser IRA controls our ideas


  • Parson's bridge theory - Marx, meritocracy isn't real
  • Saunders genetics dictates intelligence - bourgeoisie prevents social mobility with capitalism and class system

Overall comparison

Functionalists think education, with the hidden curriculum etc, is an effective and fair form of socialisation for children, whereas Marxists find it to be unfair and keeps people in their designated (ascribed status) class. That upper class children succeed due to being able to afford the hidden cost, and that teachers favour them. Ultimately keeping the rich, rich and the poor, poor.


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