Forensic Psychology

  • Created by: Eamon
  • Created on: 29-01-17 15:50



What is Hare (2003) Psychopathic Personality Theory?

What is psychopathic personality?

What is moral reasoning theory?

Grubb (2010) stresses the importance of which factors in the advancement of hostage negotiation?

What is a sexually sadistic ******?

What are the three types of stranger murder cases?

What are the 4 steps in Canters Geographical Profiling?

What are characteristics of investigative psychology?

What are cognitive behavioural programmes?

What are the 4 types of violent offender treatment programmes?

What are the sex offender treatment programmes?

What is Anger Management Stress Innoculation Model?

What are the characteristics of Rapists?

What are Canters 2003 4 patterns?

What is the pre-conditions model of paedophillia? 

What are the stalking typologies?

What are the 4 psychological mechanisms involved in sex offending behaviour?


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