Evolutionary Explanation for food prefernces

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 05-04-18 11:45

Evolutionary Explanation for food prefernces


  • SUPPORTING EVIDENCE - Human research - evolutionary explanation is supported by research into link between stress and eating behaviour. TORRES ET AL 2009 reviewed relevant studies concluding humans have marked tendency to prefer high fat foods during periods of stress. This suggests a preference for fat may fuel a more effective fight or flight response in stressful times.
  • This preference was adaptive because it would've given our ancestors a survival advantage over those who did not have it.


  • NEOPHOBIA IS MALADAPTIVE - good example of an adaption beneficial to our ancestors survival chances in our evolutionary history but is now frequently maladaptive. In our modern food environment, Neophobia merely restricts variety of childrens diet by limiting what they eat.



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