Evaluation of the Behavioural Explanation of Phobic Disorders

A table summarising the evaluation points for the behavioural explanation of phobic disorders.

  • Created by: JessDyer
  • Created on: 13-10-14 18:00

Evaluation of the Behavioural Explanation of Phobic Disorders


  • Conditioning- Many people can often recall a specific incident when their phobia appeared.
  • The fact that phobias don't always develop after a traumatic event may be explained by biological preparedness.
  • Research support for the Social Learning Theory- Bandura and Rosenthal


  • Not everyone can recall an incident when their phobia appeared.


Different phobias are the result of different processes. For example whilst agoraphobia might be the result of a specific incident arachnophobia may be the result of modelling. The behavioural explanation alone cannot explain phobias.


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