Evaluation of multi-store model of memory

  • Created by: Stasy
  • Created on: 21-04-13 03:48

Evaluation of multi-store model of memory


  • Rehearsal
  • Korsakoff's syndrome ( supports )


  • lack of ecological validity (evidence comes from laboratory-based experiments)
  • It is simplistic (the working memory model was found being more complex )
  • HM ( not necessarily needed )


The  advantage of multi-store model of memory is supported by Peterson and Peterson. 
They designed a research where participants were presented with triagrams and were asked to recall them in order .It was found that without rehearsal, information in STM lasts less so that it shows that rehearsal prolongs the duration of STM . 
However the weakness of the multi-store model is connected with rehearsal .But in the real life people don't always spend time rehearsing , yet they still transfer information to LTM . This suggests that rehearsal is not always needed for information to be stored and some items can't be rehearsed. 
Another strength of the multi-store model is that people with Korsakoff's syndrome ( amnesia that's mostly caused by chronic alcoholism ) provided support for a model. Participants in the research could recall the last items on the list as they showed unimpaired recency effect. However , their LTM is very poor. This supports the idea of separate memory models. 
Second weakness of multi-store memory model is that most of the studies that support it are highly controlled laboratory-based experiments, hence low ecological validity .
Also MSM was found to be simplistic after a working memory model was proposed because the WMM describes STM as a more complex store that consists of different components .


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