Evaluation of statins


Evaluation of statins


  • Reduces the amount of 'bad' cholesterol in your blood so reduces the risk of strokes, coronary heart disease and heart attacks.
  • Increases the amount of 'good' cholesterol in your blood. This helps to remove the 'bad' cholesterol.
  • May help to prevent other diseases.


  • A long term drug.
  • Has to be taken regularly.
  • Can cause negative side effects.
  • The effect isn't instant it takes a while to work.


I believe using statins is beneficial to help remove the 'bad' cholesterol from your bloodstream as it helps to reduce the risk of developing some severe diseases. This way it can help you to do this whilst improving your diet and exercising to help you slow down this rate of fatty deposits in your heart, clogging the arteries and reducing the blood flow. 


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