Evaluating explanations of why people obey

  • Created by: Ruth ****
  • Created on: 03-06-13 14:41

Evaluating explanations of why people obey


  • Nomative social influence- Asch's 1951 study showed most participants conformed to fit in.
  • Practical value is shown in Garandeau and Cillessen's study 2006, where a group could be manipulated by one skillful bully into the victimisation of one child, giving the group a common goal.
  • Informational social influence has been supported by Wittenbrink and Henly 1996 when participants were exposed to negative views on African-Americans (when a majority held this view), it was later found that a majority held negative views towards a black target indivudal.
  • Social impact theory: Sedikides and Jackson 1990 found that high strength and high immediacy sources exerted more impact than any other combination.



1 study for each explanation: Garandeau and Cillessen and the bully study, Wittenbrink and Henly and the African-American study, and Sedikides and Jackson and the high immediacy/strength study.


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