Etre célibataire: autonomie ou solitude?


Etre célibataire: autonomie ou solitude?


  • No limits: have no one to answer to, can be yourself/your own identity all the time, don't have to compromise.
  • Freedom: make any decisions you want, can spend money on what you want, less likely to have kids which would restrict you.
  • Better than divorce; if you marry someone you don't really love you will probably get divorced, lots of arguments, children can get in the middle, can be very stressful, by staying single you avoid all of this.


  • Feel lonely: not someone there to walk to all the time, don't have someone to love, living alone can be hard, no-one to share things with - from memories to bills.
  • Less likely to have kids; even if you have IVF e.g. you don't have any one to help bring up the child, for some people having  a child is really important and without a partner that can be hard to fulfil.
  • Depressed; as friends start getting married and your 40 and single it's very hard, easily start to feel isolated and depressed.


When you are 20 to 30 it's fun being single as you can do want you want and have fun etc. But when you are 40 and single and all your friends are married with children; it's very depressing and life can become a struggle.


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