Eternal (timeless)


Eternal (timeless)


  • If God exists outside of time, then he can observe the whole of His creation- past, present and future events simultaneously
  • This is consistent with His perfect and immutable nature


  • If God is timeless and immutable, then God seems to be beyond anything we can understand or know
  • This means its difficult to see how there could be a personal relationship between us and such a Being - or to see how He could be responsive to us


The idea that God is eternal potentially clashes with the view that we have free will and that certain events or experiences reveal divine actionIf God is timeless and sees all events simultaneously then He must know what we are going to do - and this may imply that we have o free will, all our actions are predeterminedIf God is timeless then how does He act in and on the world e.g. how does he perform miracles?


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