


For the GCSE 9-1 history- Early Elizabethan England- a timeline of key dates and facts. Hope it helps for revision and exams :-)



1558 - Queen Mary I dies and Elizabeth becomes Queen Elizabeth I.

1559 - Coronation of Queen Elizabeth I and Elizabethan Religious Settlement.
1562 - Elizabeth is seriously ill with small pox at Hampton Court Palace.
1564 - William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe are born.
1567 - Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate the throne.
1568 - Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned in England after fleeing Scotland.
1569 - Northern Rebellion
1570 - Elizabeth is excommunicated from the Catholic Church by the Pope.
1571 - Ridolfi Plot to assassinate Elizabeth.
1572 - Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, is executed for treason.
1574 - Richard Burbage opens the first theatre in England called The Theatre.
1575 - Kenilworth Entertainments
1577 - Francis Drake sets out on the first English voyager around the world.
1584 - Bond of Association
1585 - Elizabeth takes The Netherlands under her protection, beginning the War with Spain.
1586 - Babington Plot and trial of Mary, Queen of Scots, for treason.
1587 - Mary, Queen of Scots, is executed at Fotheringay Castle.
1588 - Defeat of the Spanish Armada
1597 - Second Spanish Armada defeated.
1599 - The Globe theatre is opened.
1601 - Essex Rebellion and Queen Elizabeth's Golden Speech.
1603 - Death of Queen Elizabeth I and accession of King James I.



Are these all of the ones we will need to remember or do we need to research more?



This is so helpful! Thank you!



wow! I haven't even STARTED this yet and it feels like I'm an expert!!!



thank you this is great