Efectiveness of the Nazi political system

~ headings should be agree/disagree rather than advantages/disadvantages ~


Efectiveness of the Nazi political system


  • Fuhrerprinzip
  • Gleichschaltung
  • Power extended even in localities under the Gauleiters/Zelienleiter/Blockleiters
  • Polycracy/Dualism made Hitler the 'great arbiter in the disputes'-divide and rule
  • Ministers at Fuhrer's will- e.g. Hjalmar Schacht
  • Judicary taken over eventually thus making the Nazis unrestricted by laws and allowing them to extend fear
  • SA forced ordinary people to cooperate with Nazi regime
  • Hitler Youth ensured Nazi regime for the future
  • No effective opposition
  • Power shown by the night of the long knives


  • Hitler actually didn't pay much attention to the formal organisation of the government hence the fall of the cabinet
  • Ministers could make up their own laws effectively so long as it was 'working towards the fuhrer'
  • Polycratic government led to confusions and poor governance


In conclusion, although it is reasonable to argue that Hitler's government was chaotic and polycratic this could easily have been a tactic of Hitler through forcing competition and making his acceptance the prize, thus keeping Hitler at the top. Morover, the policy of Gleichschaltung meant that Nazi control was everywhere and the Nazi state had no opposition that made any real threat. Finally, the ministers were all working towards the fuhrer and for the fuhrer thus keeping a totalitarian and effective (albeit highly immoral) rule


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