Drama Writing Q&A Structure

  • Created by: Meow
  • Created on: 05-01-18 13:47


Answer Structure

Q1) Select one line from the list below. Explain how it has an impact on this character in the performance text you have studied. [4]

Q2) Select one stage design from the photographs below. Justify why this could be suitable for a production of the performance text you have studied. [4]

Q3) Select the character from the performance text you have studied: [6]

Q4) Explain, using examples from the performance text you have studied, how stage directions can be used to support the actors in communicating their role to the audience. [6]

Q5) Compare the advantages and disadvantages for an actor when presenting the performance text you have studied 'in the round'. [6]

Q6) Discuss how a director could stage the opening of the performance text you have studied to engage the audience from the start. You may refer to the direction of the performers and/or design of the scene in your answer. [8]

Q7) Describe one suitable costume for a character from the performance text you have studied. Justify why your choices are appropriate.In your answer, name the character from the performance text you have studied =. You may include a sketch of your design with annotations in your answer. [8]

Q8) Explain, using two examples, how the social and/or historical context can be seen in the performance text you have studied. [8]

Q9) Evaluate the ------- a live production had on you as an audience member.You must include examples from the live performance you have seen in your answer. At the start of your answer state the name, venue and date (month and year) of the live performance you have seen. [30]


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