Dna - Analysing Cathy.




  • Cathy is seen to be Sadistic, as she shows no remorse for the gangs actions, and finds the situations 'better than an ordinary life'. Moreover, she enjoys the attention she is getting from the whole scenario, and favours interviews on TV to finding her friend.
  • Her role is very submissive; from early on in the play we witness that she will do as a leader requests., and she enjoys having John tates attention - 'dont tell cathy to shut up, danny' - before Phil takes over.
  • Cathy is the person who finds a postman to the description Phil gives her. Its unclear whether she means to or not.

Development (Growth & change)

Key Quotes 

  • We can infer that she deliberately found a man to fit the description phil gave her. She also becomes more Physically violent ; she slaps brian and her tone of voice is often aggressive. She loves attention.
  • Cathy: "We showed…initiative.  We - Richard, we showed initiative."
  • Richard: "Cathy doesn’t care. She’s too busy running things…She’s insane.  She cut off a first year’s finger, that’s what they say anyway."


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