Did the lives of Native Americans improve as a result of the New Deal?

  • Created by: Eli
  • Created on: 10-11-13 16:32

Did the lives of Native Americans improve as a result of the New Deal?


  • Indian Re-organisation Act - 1934, Native American culture was safeguarded for the first time
  • Act re-organised Indian tribes into self-governing bodies. It was allowed its own laws, police and government
  • By 1941 the economic position of Native Americans had changed a litle


  • 1932 - most lived on tribal reservations, in poverty and were poorly educated, they were only given citizenship in 1924
  • The act was opposed by 75 of the 245 tribes, including the biggest - the Navajo of the South West
  • Most were still desperately poor and excluded


Despite having an act passed that helped them protect their culture, they were still looked down upon in society and living in poverty.


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