Did the Bill of Rights and Act of Settlement mark a significant change in the power of parliament?


Did the Bill of Rights and Act of Settlement mark a significant change in the power of parliament?


  • The monarch does not rule through divine right, the parliament chooses them
  • Regua;r and free elections were established
  • The monarch was restricted from interfering with laws
  • Taxation can only be passed by parliament


  • Parliament still did not have sovereignty; they were purely advisory in nature
  • The monarch, while limited. was still the dominant force in British Politics
  • Parliament itself represented only the wealthiest 2% of the population


Before these, parliament had been used mainly as a ratification group, not an actual political body. Now, their influence was much stronger than it had previously been, but it still remained imperilled. Moreover, the monarch remained dominant, which limited the parliament's power, even if they implemented limits on the monarch.


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