Depression and Mental Disorders: Samantha Hutzler

  • Created by: SammiiLee
  • Created on: 02-09-14 16:24

Depression and Mental Disorders: Samantha Hutzler


  • Death
  • Bullying
  • School


  • A death in the family or of a close friend would typically make a person fell down about themselves, especially if that person meant a lot to them.
  • Bullying (in severity and other cases) could cause one to self harm or even commit suicide.
  • Sometimes, the people in school aren't very nice, or they can stress you out to the point where you don't want to do anything, which leads to being depressed.

Overall summary

Between death, bullying, and school, this is what could cause depression to take its hold onto a young adult or teenager. Teenagers have a higher depression rate than those of some adults, due to the brain not being fully developed yet.




Depression and mental disorders are common. These disorders can be caused by hormones, stress, abuse, environment, death or loss of a loved one, relationships issues and bullying but now it's easier to visit site to get free essay on Adhd. Depression does not discriminate and it can affect anyone at any point of age regardless their current state of physical or spiritual well-being. However, these issues did not start today. Actually, they have been around for a long time.