Conservatism reflecting the interests of the privileged/prosperous

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 24-02-17 12:17

Conservatism reflecting the interests of the privileged/prosperous


  • P: Tradition (define); E: traditional conservatism based on desire to preserve hierarchical ordering response to liberal notions of equality; E: early Tories with little welfare state pre-Disraeli
  • P: authority; E: neo-conservatism; E: those at bottom of society should defer to those at top using strong law/order i.e Reagan and increased law enforcement
  • P: property; E: all strands; E: all consider property to be key particularly trad. cons when property was only accessible to rich, justifications for property with links


  • P: property; E: neo-liberalism, property given based on merit so anyone who works hard can have it; E: Thatcher's right to buy
  • P: social duty; E: One Nation, helped disadvantaged i.e enfranchisement potentially leading to change in system (no need for property)
  • P: meritocracy; E: neo-liberalism; E: those who work the hardest (not the privileged) will be at the top of society i.e national curriculum means everyone has same chance but those who work hard will reap benefits

Overall comparison

Reflects interests of privileged, some help for poor but not much due to core values


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