
  • Created by: Jxss.lx
  • Created on: 04-06-19 19:25



1836 Oregon Trail opens

1837 Economic depression + collapse of corn prices

1841 Government-funded expedition maps Oregon Trail + guide book published

1848 US-Mexico War

1849 Gold Rush

1851 Fort Laramie Treaty

1851 Indian Appropriations Act

1861-65 American Civil War

1862 Homestead Act

1868 President Grant's Peace Policy

1868 Fort Laramie Treaty

1869 Completion of Transcontinental Railroad

Late 1960s Indians banned from leaving reservations

1880s Development of farming equipment

1870s Beef Bonnza

1886-87 Winter

1876 Battle of Little Bighorn

1887 Dawes Act

1890 Ghost Dance


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