Comparison of Alexander III and Alexander II


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  • A3 was heavily influenced by Konstantin Pobedonostsev, advisor to A2
  • A3 was unpopular with Russia's westernised educated population like A2
  • Both implemented local government reforms
  • Both were very reactionary
  • Their supporters saw them as peacemakers


  • A3 turned his back on his father and on the reforms which Russia had begun since 1861
  • A3 disapproved of Russia's foreign policy under A2 and demanded a more active policy in the Balkans
  • A3 was very anti-German and hated corruption and immorality
  • A3 appointed heads of Finance and Interior Ministries who implemented more repressive policies
  • Harsher Russification shown by A3 (more antisemitism)
  • A3's local gov reforms signified a clear return to more autocratic principles
  • A3's policies strengthened the mir and alienated almost every social/ethnic/economic group in the empire

Overall comparison

A3 was more reactionary than A2 and took away most of the reform that his father had put in place. However A3 had more successful in economic policies but harsher Russification policies.


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