Comparing Freud's dream theory and the Activation-Synthesis theory


Comparing Freud's dream theory and the Activation-Synthesis theory



  • Freuds theory is less scientific than Hobson and McCarleys. Example, free association (Freud) needs to be interpreted, whereas the Activation-Synthesis theory is brain scanning so has less interpretation, meaning that the Activation-Synthesis theory is more objective.
  • Freud's theory is the nurture side of the debate and Hobson and McCarley's theory is the nature side of the debate.
  • Freud's theory does not use scientific evidence (the unconscious mind is not measurable in any way), so it lacks credibility (if its developed using solid scientific evidence).
  • Hobson and McCarley's theory is said to be credible. The evidence comes from scanning and from laboratory studies using animals, so there is credibility in that sense because both are scientific and objective research methods.

Overall comparison


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