Comparing Milgam + Bocchairo


Comparing Milgam + Bocchairo


  • Both found a trend in obedience; people will obey an unethical task if given by authority.
  • Self selecting sample
  • Both had mundane realism
  • Ethnocentric
  • Lab studies as there's no IV
  • Received payment for participation
  • Led by formally dressed male with stern demeanor


  • Bocchiaro used male and female participants whilst Milgram only used male participants to match German army
  • Sample size differs as Bocchiaro's had 149 participants whilst Milgam had 40 participants
  • Bocchiaro's study was set up so the whistleblower didn't have to face confrontation
  • Bocchiaro's participants would know those hurt if the 'study' went through
  • Bocchairo left participants for self reflection during the study
  • Ethics
  • Age of Participants

Overall comparison

Both studies were similar as the studies had self selected participants who were placed in unethical situations to see if they'd still obey to authority. They differ because of the sample sizes and those who participated as well as the Ethics in place. Bocchiaro's was a lot more ethical because people could withdraw from the study and no verbal prods from the experimenter. It could be applied to a male and female population but as it was limited to a small age group then Milgram's could be more reliable for age.


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