Cold War causes and effects


Cold War causes and effects


  • USSR's aim of spreading world Communism
  • Truman's dislike of Stalin
  • USSR's fear of the American's atomic bomb
  • USSR's dislike of Capitalism
  • USSR’s expansion west into Eastern Europe + broken election promises
  • America's refusal to share nuclear secrets
  • USSR's fear of American attack
  • USSR's need for a secure Western border
  • USSR's actions in the Soviet zone of Germany


  • Both the United States of America and the Soviet Union built up huge arsenals of atomic weapons and ballistic missiles.
  • The military blocs, NATO and the Warsaw Pact were formed.
  • It led to destructive conflicts like the Vietnam War and the Korean War.
  • The Soviet Union collapsed due to economic weaknesses.
  • The Berlin Wall was demolished and the two German nations were unified.
  • The Warsaw Pact disintegrated.
  • The Baltic States and some former Soviet Republics achieved independence.
  • America became the sole superpower of the world.
  • Communism collapsed worldwide.

Overall summary

The Cold War was a prolonged battle of wills, posturing and threats between communist Russia and the United States of America. Although no direct military conflict between the two nations ever ensued, the world was caught up in the constant threat of nuclear proliferation. Allies on both sides of the struggle were used as pawns in the power struggle; NATO on the American ticket and the Warsaw Pact on the Russian’s. From 1945 until the collapse of the communist block countries in 1991, the Cold War dominated headlines, international politics and the mindset of people everywhere.


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