Cognitive Appraoch

  • Created by: BDS42
  • Created on: 17-12-20 16:55

Cognitive Appraoch


  • CBT has successful therapeutic application (butler and beck supports this)
  • It is balanced in terms of nature and nurture which is good as it doesn't ignore either of the two
  • It is a personalised form of therapy (worksheets) which is positive as it accounts for individual differences
  • It is high in validity as it explains a lot of behaviour – this makes it real life applicable
  • It is the only approach to look at conscious internal; processes
  • It focuses on the here and now instead of the cause of genesis of the psychological problem


  • Reductionist – it ignores that there could be other reasons apart from its own assumptions
  • Deterministic – this is negative because it suggests no control over behaviour
  • Case studies can’t be generalised
  • Its subjective because we can’t observe internal processing
  • Aspects such as the attribution theory are overly complicated and this makes it less usefull

Overall comparison

This approach can be seen to have more strengths than weaknesses. It is a very scientific approach and has helped us have a greater understanding of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders.  It is also useful when looking at schizophrenia if this is treated simultaneously with medication. 


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