Codifying the constitution


Codifying the constitution


  • would bring up to date with most other modern democracies
  • Entrench rights of citizens as currently only an act of parliament
  • have something citizens could identify with and refer to
  • laws, rules and practices to run country would be clearly set out (Lib Dems argument to stop "over powerful executive")
  • Location of sovereignty is clearly defined


  • Make it less flexible
  • Wouldn't be organic "rooted in society"
  • becomes outdated - such as American right to bear arms
  • if it ain't broke don't fix it - conservative ideology
  • Restrictions on executive could lead to less decisive government
  • Would cost a lot and take up lots of time


Whilst ideally the constitution would be codified in order to entrench many of the rights of the citizens, the Conservative ideology "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" is the most practical approach. There are many unique advantages of the un-codified constitution such as being organically rooted in society, that would be lost in the costly process of codifaction.


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