Closed/open systems.


Closed/open systems.


  • Both collaborate objects/procedures with compromising links and components


  • Open systems have energy/material transfer from one specific system to a second one (input) and then that material/energy transfer to the third (output)
  • An example of an open would be fluvial sediment from a river and eventually deposited onto the mouth.
  • A closed system doesn't have inputs or outputs .
  • E.g, sediment cells of Wngland and Wales.

Overall comparison

Open systems have inputs (thermal,kinetic,potiential energy, marine deposit, weathering and mass movement) as well as outputs (erosion and evaporation).An example of a closed system is the sediment cells of England and Wales and an open example is fluvial sediment transported by a river which is then despoiled at the estuary.


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