Challenges facing the Wiemar Republic


Challenges facing the Wiemar Republic


  • Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates his throne on November 9th 1918.
  • Signing the Armistice 1918
  • New system - President elected by public every 7 years
  • Reichstag voted for by proportional representation
  • No Government gets it's laws passed
  • Article 48


  • Weimar Republic founded in 1919 - Semi representative democracy
  • Government is blamed for 'stabbing Germany in the back' by army
  • President chooses chancellor who makes decisions - long term to deal with decisions made
  • Not enough for a majority vote which led to little parties forming a co-alliance
  • Major weakness of the Republic
  • In an emergency the president did not need to get the agreement of Reichstag to issue laws- Did not specify what an emergency was

Overall summary

Germany was in chaos over the Kaiser abdicating the throne and did not trust the government as they Germany have never been run by a democracy system. The system was not ideal as not one party had enough votes to be the ruling party.


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