Causes of the US Depression

  • Created by: nw26
  • Created on: 17-03-16 16:46

Causes of the US Depression


  • Rising unemployment
  • Collapse of banks
  • Production outstripped demand
  • Agriculture
  • Tariffs
  • The role of Hoover


  • rose from 1.5 million to over 12 million between 1929 and 1932
  • 20% of banks collapsed from 1929-32
  • the market could not keep up with the amount of goods being produced
  • agriculture was overmanned and economically rotten
  • US policy of raising tariffs was intensified in 1930 and damaged international trade
  • some argue that Hoover did too little too late whereas some argue he and his government did too much

Overall summary

The Great Depression was caused by a combination of many factors; insufficient demand, depressed agriculture, high tariffs, collapse of banks and the lack of effective government intervention.


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