Causes of the Russian Revolution- Rasputin


Causes of the Russian Revolution- Rasputin


  • Rasputin


  • Rasputin was a Russian Orthodox Christian, born in Siberia he was said to have powers
  • The Tsar asked him to heal his son, Rasputin healed the Tsar's son and was trusted by the royal family.
  • There was a rumour throughout Russia that Rasputin had many relations with the ladies of rich men and even with the Tsarina.
  • In the Sino-Soviet war Rasputin encouraged the Tsar to go to the soldiers, this left the Tsarina in charge and was influenced by Rasputin
  • Workers and Peasants didn't trust the Royals or Rasputin, the royals seemed to be easily influenced

Overall summary

Rasputin had a bad reputation which made the Royals look untrustworthy. However the workers and peasants already disliked the Royals so it wasn't a factor to the Revolution, but to the dislike of the Royals.


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