Catholic restoration


Catholic restoration


  • Royal Injuction (1554) deprive married clergys and introduced Holy days
  • Act of Repeal on the Six articles which undid the protestant changes in the Edwardian regime (1553)
  • At of Repeal (1553) undid all of the Edwardian Reformation, revived the Massritual worship, clerical celibacy and the belief in transubstantiation
  • Mary gives up the title of the Head of the Church (1553)
  • Second Act of Repeal undid all anti-papal legislation since 1529 and the Henrican Reformation


  • Heresy laws (1554) - first began with John Rogers
  • monastic lands
  • Wyatt's rebellion
  • 19,000 copies of second hand books of pryaer perservance through protestant underground


Ecclesiastical church established with the revival of Catholic doctrine, liturgy, and the appearance of church and priests.BUT-conformity was regional instead of national, which is evident in the North and in York in comparison London and East Anglia, where the belief in Protestantism was still present.-passive resistance of dipping handkerchiefs in the blood of martyrs-rebellion


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