



  • Bossy and violent towards his family and friends.
  • Arrogant, pragmatic, ignorant, caring, overbearing and practical.
  • He shows signs of unusual thinking at the beginning of the play.
  • He can be peaceful but shows his power when dealing with Romeo and Tybalt at the party.
  • He is a very controlling character with a short temper.
  • He acts as a traditional father during the Elizabethan period and the audience would be less shocked at how he acted compared to the audience in the 21st century. Back then his behaviour was acceptable when he was arguing with Juliet.
  • His decisions when talking to Paris would have been unusual due to a decision to give Juliet a choice in deciding if she was to marry Paris so quickly. Capulet also decides to test Paris and let Juliet fall in love due to her being the only heir he has and the only daughter.
  • His representation of controlling and  unsympathetic parent helps the audience to also understand Juliet's unhappiness while half agreeing with Capulets actions back in the Elizabethan era.
  • His relationship with his daughter and wife show a lot about the way women were treated and expected to behave in the 16th century.
  • He also shows his honour when it is being questioned during the argument between Juliet and Capulet, he doesn't want to break a promise to Paris and show his weak honour.

Development (Growth & change)


  • Capulet does change over the course of the play, at the beginning he has unusual thoughts and lets Juliet have the choice on marrying Paris however he changes dramatically by forcing her, threatening her and disrespects her when she refuses to marry Paris.
  • This change shocks the nurse and Lady capulet as he is clearly out of control when his structure changes. it changes to no blank verse which can suggests he is so emotional that his actions and words aren't normal and he is out of control, in contrast as to how he was acting before with Paris and Tybalt at the party.
  • At the party is when the audience see his short temper and how he gets angry when people disagree with him.
  • "my fingers itch." - this shows his violent nature as he is prepared to use force into getting what he wants.
  • "Stranger in the world." - using a metaphor to show that he believes Juliet is still quite young to get married when talking to Paris.
  • "Get her heart." - shows his liberal ideas as he wants Juliet to fall in love with Paris showing his caring side.
  • "Her ripe to be a bride." - shows that he still thinks of Juliet as property as he doesn't call her by a name. she is just an object.
  • "I'll not wed." - mimics Juliet during the argument shows he doesn't respect her decisions of feelings.
  • "I'll not be foresworn." - he doesn't want to break a promise and be seen as weak in front of Paris and lose his honour.
  • "young baggage." - still refers to Juliet as an object that he has been forced to carry. this is an insult to her and humiliating in front of her family.
  • "or never look me in the face." - this threat shows how quickly he has changed his mind due to her disobedience and that shocks the nurse, lady Capulet and Juliet.




well, this is ****



Very good summary of important points