Can you be certain that you are not a brain in a vat? (15)

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 31-03-17 21:35

Can you be certain that you are not a brain in a vat? (15)


  • P: indirect realism; E: Russell - external world as best hypothesis/Ockham's razor (Descartes' demon); E - agreement on space-time
  • P: direct realism; E: we seem to experience the same things (relational properties); E: shapes, colours
  • P: idealism; E: general acceptance of space-time, Ockham's razor


  • P: idealism; E: master argument, everything is mind-dependent so makes sense if we weren't in real world
  • P: indirect realism; E: veil of perception, never able to see if what one perceives is actually true (solipsism about nature/existence of external world)
  • P: direct realism; E: perceptual variation, how can we know what is correct, more sense for variation to occur in vat


Yes bc we can agree on things and it's the simplest explanation


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