British Empire

  • Created by: Jeeez
  • Created on: 08-05-19 14:55

British Empire


  • The number of hospitals in India increased from 0 to 65.
  • Britain helped to irrigate many fields in India which meant more land could be farmed. More crops = more trade = more money. The farming land increased from 400,000 acres to 3,200,000.
  • The empire grew Britain into the international powerhouse it is today even though it’s so small.
  • Throughout most of the Empire, British sports like cricket, football and rugby were taken up.


  • British rulers raised taxes in India to spend more money in Britain.
  • Britain banned many Hindu practises like sati and infanticide without understanding context and reasoning.
  • Britain wanted India to be educated enough to know how to use their products, like machinery, but not smart enough to know how to make it themselves, this created a dependence on Britain for India meaning they were less likely to rebel knowing they would struggle to sustain their country without British products.
  • Cecil Rhodes took Botswanian Diamond Mines from locals so he owned 9/10ths of the worlds diamond mines, making millions in the process.


The British empire had both a positive and negative affect on the countries it ruled over, but a majority of negative impacts. I think these countries would have been just as, if not more, successful in modern times if they were not British ruled. A lot of the negative impacts can still be seen today, however so too can the positive impacts.


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