Appeasement - For and Against


Appeasement - For and Against


  • Chamberlin - FOR
  • Gave Britain the moral high ground - they had done everything possible to keep the peace
  • Gave Britain time to rearm
  • It was an attempt to save millions of lives by preventing war


  • Churchill - AGAINST
  • Made Hitler believe he could get away with anything - and so it could be seen as a cause of WW2
  • Let Hitler also grow stronger
  • Humiliated Britain and made them look weak - No country in central Europe trusted them any more.
  • Some say it was pointless and would never have stopped Hitler, he would have just continued doing what he wanted.


Appeasement gave Britain the morale high ground and was a genuine attempt to keep the peace. While doing this it also gave Britain a chance to re-arm and prepare for a possible war. However it could be seen as a reason why the war started because it meant that Hitler believed he could get away with anything, and so by appeasing him when it came to small things, he went on to the bigger things such as invading Poland.


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