Alliance System

  • Created by: Cat Stott
  • Created on: 28-10-15 18:48

Alliance System


  • TRIPLE ALLIANCE: Formed in 1882, Germany A-H and Italy
  • Bismark formed this alliance in order to protect Germany against France. Germany was worried that France would threaten Germany after the Franco-Prussian war (Alsace-Lorraine)
  • TRIPLE ENTENTE: Formed in 1907, with Franco Russia alliance in 1894, in response to alliances made against them
  • Britain is worried after Germany becomes a country in the 20th cent, dominating in trade and industry etc. so forms an alliance out of CAUTION and JEALOUSY


  • Each alliance was fomed in secret, creating more tension between powers in Europe
  • Germany believes Britain has now come out of 'splendid isolation' and she is begining to become cautious
  • Britain are now jealous of Germay and want to maintain dominance through their navy

Overall summary

All the powers in Europe are now suspicious of each other and feel threatend. Therefore each country is begining to defend themselves and the tension builds, leading to a greater chance of war


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