Advantages/Disadvantages of Immobilising Enzymes


Immobilising Enzymes

AdvantagesGetting Started

  • Enzymes are not present with products so purifications/ downstream processing costs are low.
  • Enzymes are immediately available for reuse. Allows for continuous processes.
  • Immobilised enzymes are more stable because immobilising matrix protects enzyme molecules.


  • Immobilistaion requires additional time, equipment and materials so is more expensive to set up.
  • Immobilised enzymes may be less active as they can not mix freely with the substrate.
  • Any contamination is costly to deal with because the whole system would need to be stopped.


As enzymes are used mostly in large-scale productions, costs and time issues are unlikely to be a factor. A higher yield and lower costs are produced using immobilised enzymes therefore they are more advantageous. 


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