Advantages and disadvantages of the DTM


Advantages and disadvantages of the DTM


  • The model shows change over time, and is linked to increased levels of development
  • It can be applied to any country (it is a universal concept) and allows comparisons to be made
  • It helps explain what has happened to a country and predict future changes in countries
  • Allows governments to put policies into place
  • The model is very flexible
  • It is easy to understand


  • It is Eurocentric, and so not necessarily relevant to countries that are not in Europe
  • Some countries are moving backwards through the model such as in sub-Saharan Africa where HIV/AIDS has increased the death rate in countries that would otherwise be in stage three of the model
  • stage 5 was added to the model as countries in central and eastern Europe were having very few children. What is to say that more stages won't be added?
  • the time scales aren't fixed, meaning it can be difficult to evaluate how far a country is through the stages/ through a stage in the model e.g. it took the UK 200 years to pass through the first four stages, but many countries are completing this cycle in just over 50 years
  • It does not include the impact of migration
  • It does not include the role of governments


The model is only an estimate that is based on those countries who have already passed through the first 4/5 stages of the model. Although the model can therefore be used by countries and their governments to evaluate how developed they are and put policies into place, it must be understood that there are many external factors that can affect how fast a country develops, and in extreme cases, which way a country passes through the model (e.g. the example in Sub-Saharan Africa).


James Ellis


Very good summing up of the DTM thanks!



It helped alot ! Thank youuuu :D