Advantages and Disadvantages of reforestation

  • Created by: Gemma
  • Created on: 10-04-14 12:19

Advantages and Disadvantages of reforestation


  • When the trees are newly planted , there will be a net increase absorption of CO2 , due to the plants trying to harness as much light energy to photosynthesise to produce ATP which is used in growth
  • Eventually there will be a balance between respiration + photosynthesis, which means there won't be a net CO2 uptake - the trees are a carbon store
  • Earth's forests could soak up extra CO2 in the atmosphere , which will stimulate photosynthesis which will mean extra growth


  • There is a maximum limit to the amount of CO2 which a plant can absorb
  • There's a maximum amount of land which can be used in reforestation



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