Advantages and Disadvantages of fertility treatments

  • Created by: Maddi
  • Created on: 13-04-14 19:24

Advantages and Disadvantages of fertility treatments


  • Contraceptive pills have helped to reduce family size which has helped reduce poverty in some areas.
  • It allows women to plan their pregnancies.
  • Fertility drugs can help infertile couples who are having IVF which means they can have a baby.


  • The contraceptive pill can cause side effects.
  • Some people object to using it for ethical and religious reasons.
  • Too many eggs can be stimulated, resulting in unexpected pregnancies. Also multiple birth are risky for both the mother and babies.
  • It doesn't always work so many women may have to do it many times for it to work.
  • Some people think it is unethical for older women to have babies by IVF.
  • Some women have strong reactions to IVF.


I think that, overall, fertility treatments are an advantage because they give couples a chance of having a baby if they can't conceive naturally.


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