Advantages and Disadvantages of Bicameral system as shown in GB


Advantages and Disadvanatages of Bicameral system as shown in GB


  • Operates in 60 countries so is well respected such as Austrailia and USA
  • Act as a check upon the first chamber this is especially important when there is a landslide majority in the HC such as 1997 Labour
  • more effective check on the executive, it was the HL which acted as a check on Thatcher and Blair
  • broaden the bases of the representation (more important in countries which are federal)
  • Allow for greater scrutiny of legislation as more time, normally on public bills some of which have been badly drafted
  • Acts as a constitutional longstop
  • Reduce the workload of the HC as they can initiated non-controversial legislation(1/4 bill start this way)
  • Can start PPB
  • Can hold general debates and as they are under less time pressure they can have useful views. They may also be able to gain expert opinion from the Life peers.
  • Life Peerages can increase representaivness and allow the legislature to benefit from experts
  • European Scrutiny is through the select committee on the EU (19 members) and the six sub committees.
  • John Major 'If it ain't broke, don't fix'


  • Some countries manage perfectly well with only one chamber SWEDEN
  • Can be unnessesary cost
  • It performs no usually role which cannot be performed by a streamline lower house.
  • Slows down government which can reduce the effectiveness and prevent much need legisaltion( however this is debatable as when neccessary the system can be very quick for example after the 2007 July Bombing the Counter-terrorsim Act 2008 was given the royal assent after only 10 months. And the time they can delay the bill is limited to around 8-9 months due to the 1949 parliament act.
  • Does not always represent the normal population and can be very conservative.(182 women , average age 70,younest Lord Wei 37)
  • can led to constitutional conflict
  • They are less accountable as they are not elected
  • The system of life peerages can led to increase representation of the leading party as the PM appoints (TONY's Cronies)
  • Appointments does not help representativeness 2001 17% appointed women 3.5% ethnic minorities


Many of the issues associated with having a Bicameral system would be removed , as this would confer legitimacy. This is used in nearly 30 of the world second chambers, however this would also create problems may it may led to HL becoming a rival to HC , and it may also led to a lose in the range of knowledge of the current life peers. 


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